Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School Randwick has many excellent facilities including:

Before and After School Care
Galaxy Outside School Hours (GOSH) provides enriching and meaningful out of school hours programs for children aged between 5–12 years at OLSH. Before School Care from 7.00am and After School Care until 6.00pm.

OLSH also has a newly renovated basketball court and access to two parish tennis courts. There are separate play areas for junior classes from the senior classes and students rotate play areas for equal access throughout the school week.

The Sacred Heart Centre was built during the ‘Building the Education Revolution’ period and offers flexibility for performances, assemblies, liturgies and indoor sporting activities.

There are five classroom blocks which have been built and renovated over a period of time ranging from the first block built in the 1960s through to 2021, when the Kindergarten classrooms were upgraded to provide three flexible state of the art Kindergarten rooms.

Our school is very fortunate to have a large grassed oval for students to play and engage in sporting activities. A section of the oval has been dedicated to an organic school vegetable garden for the students’ Gardening Club. A recently acquired glasshouse provides an outdoor learning space for science activities and cultivating seeds and cuttings. In 2019, the school converted an area of the oval to a large covered outdoor stage for performances and PE activities.

An online ordering system is available for ‘Botany Bites’ through Flexischools for Mondays to Fridays. The menu for Botany Bites can be found on our website under the Parent Information tab.

The school has a Bring Your Own Digital Device (BYODD) policy for students from Year 3 up. The preferred device is Google Chromebook. The school is equipped with additional technology items, including laptops, iPads and Chromebooks. All computers have internet access. Electronic whiteboards and Smart TVs have been installed in all classrooms and additional teaching spaces and are equipped with VIVI for cordless sharing of presentations and laptop screen sharing. The school platform operates off Google Chrome for documents.

The school library is housed at the back of the school hall in a separate section and lessons form part of the literacy program. Class teachers and students make optimum use of our excellent library facilities and students are able to borrow weekly during their class’ borrowing time. Passive play times are provided for students at recess and lunch breaks for those students looking for a quiet place to relax, read and draw.

Uniform Shop
Sports and school uniforms, school hats, ties, swimming caps, sun-safe sunglasses, secondhand uniforms and school bags are sold from the Uniform Shop which is operated by the P&F Association and run by a group of volunteer parents. The shop is opposite the canteen and is open on Fridays from 8.15—9.30am.